
Funniest Pets & Animals of the Week | Funny Pet Videos

Date: 2019-04-27 13:00:07 [aoa id=’0′][dn_wp_yt_youtube_source type=”101″ id=”TV1c5oDc9iQ”][/aoa] All content is used with appropriate licenses from CollabDRM and Vin Di Bona Productions. For more information, or to license anything contained in this video please email Funny Pet Videos brings you the best cute animal compilations, try not to laugh challenges,[…]

Cocker Spaniel vs Border Collie – Pet Guide | Funny Pet Videos

Date: 2019-08-09 15:00:06 [aoa id=’0′][dn_wp_yt_youtube_source type=”101″ id=”SQILvcScXEA”][/aoa] All content is used with appropriate licenses from CollabDRM and Vin Di Bona Productions. For more information, or to license anything contained in this video please email Funny Pet Videos brings you the best animal videos around the internet! We feature dogs,[…]

Kangaroo Puppy Bounces Into The Best Forever Home | The Dodo Adoption Day

Date: 2019-11-26 21:00:06 [aoa id=’0′][dn_wp_yt_youtube_source type=”101″ id=”eL53ZvkjLEY”][/aoa] This puppy was born in Qatar without front legs. What happens next is a miracle. To support a dog like Joey, you can check out No More Pain Rescue on Facebook: You can follow Joey’s incredible journey on Instagram: Introducing Dodo[…]

Cutest Pets Getting Scared | Funny Pet Videos

Date: 2019-12-23 19:00:12 [aoa id=’0′][dn_wp_yt_youtube_source type=”101″ id=”zCp3Re5fNVk”][/aoa] All content is used with appropriate licenses from CollabDRM and Vin Di Bona Productions. For more information, or to license anything contained in this video please email Funny Pet Videos brings you the best animal videos around the internet! We feature dogs,[…]

Funniest Pets Of The Week | Funny Pet Videos

Date: 2019-12-22 17:00:00 [aoa id=’0′][dn_wp_yt_youtube_source type=”101″ id=”-XSj5LQ6Gj8″][/aoa] All content is used with appropriate licenses from CollabDRM and Vin Di Bona Productions. For more information, or to license anything contained in this video please email Funny Pet Videos brings you the best animal videos around the internet! We feature dogs,[…]

Brewery Unveils 6-Pack Rings That Feed Sea Turtles Instead of Killing Them

Eight million metric tons of plastic end up into the ocean every year, which takes centuries to decompose, and at the same time, it is killing some of the planet’s most majestic creatures. One of the major contributors to this epidemic is the seemingly harmless six-pack rings found around cans of[…]

Nearly Extinct Pink Dolphin Gives Birth To Pink Calf

We all love dolphins, but most of us didn’t know that they can be even cuter than we know them- when colored pink!  And the good news is that a rare pink dolphin mom, called Pinky, has given birth to a pink calf of her own! She became popular 12 years[…]

Delaware becomes first no-kill state for shelter animals in the US

TAMPA (WFLA) – America has its first no-kill state for shelter animals, Delaware. The nonprofit Best Friends Animal Society, which is working with shelters, animal welfare organizations and government agencies across the country to make America a no-kill country by 2025, announced the news at their annual conference in Dallas, Texas.[…]

Best Cutest Cats | Funny Pet Videos

Date: 2019-12-14 17:00:07 [aoa id=’0′][dn_wp_yt_youtube_source type=”101″ id=”bzinWojcd7w”][/aoa] All content is used with appropriate licenses from CollabDRM and Vin Di Bona Productions. For more information, or to license anything contained in this video please email Funny Pet Videos brings you the best animal videos around the internet! We feature dogs,[…]

Man transforms old tires into adorable little beds for animals

It’s reported that up to billions tons of garbage ends up in the ocean and landfills every year. In an effort to lessen that number and breathe new life into reusable waste, Amarildo Silva from Brazil, 23, has developed a simple yet valuable hobby for sustainability. A store cashier by[…]